Course Details

SKY Kids | The Art of Living
SKY Kids Aug 1-4, 2024


SKY Kids (Ages 8-12)

The true measure of success is a happy, healthy, well-adjusted child who is able to deal effectively with life's challenges.  The SKY Kids program provides children with the tools to do just that.  A unique aspect of the program is a specific set of breathing techniques that systematically release emotional and physical stress.  Children can use these techniques at any time to bring about a state of calm and relaxation.  

SKY Kids shows children how to become responsible but remain uninhibited, joyful, loving, creative and fun.  Throughout the course children have the opportunity to explore values such as acceptance of others, compassion, respect, trust, and selfless giving. Emphasis is placed on hands on activities like service projects, which allow them to experience concepts they are discussing first hand.  

The program includes:

  • games

  • yoga and breathing techniques

  • creative projects

  • problem-solving strategies

  • leadership training

  • service projects

Students are taught skills on how to

  • eliminate stress and negative emotions

  • improve health and well being

  • deal with peer pressure

  • improve their concentration

  • develop greater self-confidence


Note: Attendance for all sessions is mandatory.